Justin Templin to present at 2020 Minnesota Association of City Attorneys conference

Hoff Barry PA partner Justin L. Templin will speak at the upcoming Minnesota Association of City Attorneys annual conference at the Sheraton, Bloomington on Friday, February 7. The presentation, given as part of the Nuts & Bolts For Your City Attorney Toolbox series, will be “Legal Limits on Development-Related Charges and Fees after Harstad v. City of Woodbury.” It will address both statutory and constitutional parameters for cities working to finance development-driven infrastructure needs. Mr. Templin’s presentation will be the conclusion of a panel on related subjects including common components of development agreements and the structuring tax increment financing.

Mr. Templin is a frequent speaker on topics related to land use and development. He is the City Attorney for the City of Maple Grove, and he represents Minnesota municipal government entities as special counsel and as litigation counsel appointed by the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust.

Justin Templin